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Introduction to Multi-Touch Attribution Modeling Part-2

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MTA models are quite flexible in the sense that you could design the consumer journey as per your business dynamics. In the previous post we did mention the streamlined consumer decision model but there is no saying that model would be applicable to a B2B software company. Its possible for your usecase you might not need to deep dive into the loyalty loop at all but just actuate the classic journey. Simply put, a consumer interacts with multiple touchpoints before converting. These journeys can be ever so complex and the question arises how to duly attribute the credit to attribution and optimize investments on media. This is where attribution models come in.

Introduction to Multi-Touch Attribution Modeling Part-1

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Consumer decisiveness is always subjective to the experiences under a common context. The attitude of a consumer towards a purchasing behavior is always influenced by a multitude of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors are internal to the individual and can include aspects such as personal beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and personality.

In Search of Majorana Fermions

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My first encounter with the concept of matter and anti-matter came while reading the works of the author Dan Brown. The novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’ spoke about a plot where the scientists at CERN had successfully created anti matter. Typically if anti matter comes in contact with matter it would annihilate each other leaving behind pure energy. It is hence believed that particle and anti particle were buzzing into existence during the birth of the universe, the big bang. Majorana fermions on the other hand are fermions which are its own antiparticle and its bound states are governed by non-abelian statistics.